Do Bigha Zamin movies

 Bimalda's Do Bigha Zameen is considered a gem in Indian movies.

The movie paints a very true picture of pre-independence (and early post-independence) India. The society is agrarian yet the farmers are poor mainly because of the fact that they have very small landholdings and they are unlettered. The farmers were gullible while the landowner, moneylender, and the Brahmins were guile. A lot of people moved to the cities either in the anticipation of turning their fortunes or because they could not survive the atrocities of power holders. The movie has a theme that can be found in works of notable Indian authors Munshi Premchand or Sarat Chandra Chatterjee

Amazing movie I ever watched. It makes everyone realise the pain of being poor and sacrifice lots of things and the urgency makes a person mature in very young age and increases responsibilities as I could see the child who started doing work in childhood. For a farmer his land is his mother, he ready to sacrifice everything for it, even his life also.

Do bigha zameen film depicts the social and economic problems of the 1950 in very realistic manner. Shambhu being so hard working and honest, he has to face many big problems. All the viewers who like to watch realistic cinema or good artistic cinema must watch this movie. Even after 70 years, you will not find this movie old even today. Somewhere the problems of the farmers shown in the film seem to be mixed with the problems of today's farmers.

In olden days landlords & lenders manipulated poor peasants by giving them debt traps. Just like modern day credit cards. In this black & white movie as per the court order the the peasant has to repay RS 230/- within 3 months to the lender or sell his land to him and repay the debt. He's forced to migrate to the city for the amount and save his land. Superb movie relating to all those who fall prey to debt traps knowingly or unknowingly .

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