Gol Maal movie

 The most phenomenal comedy movie of bollywood which never gets old even if you watch it 10 times ( I have watched it over 20+ times ) !!!

Superb acting of both Utpal Dutt and Amol Palekar makes this movie engaging right from the start of the movie till the very end. You must watch it if you really want to know the rich comic timing India had during 1970s.

One of top 5 movie of all time hindi movie no violence no dirty songs pure story dialogue acting direction music lyrics, hrishi mukhergy superb direction Amol Palekar uttapal Dutt Gulzar Rd burman

What a laughter riot.it simply makes you glued to the screen.watched on TV numerous times and believe me,every time I watch it,the pleasure multiplies

A Cult Classic . A case study . It needs to be part of Film & Television Institute Syllabus . 

Every generation has to watch this Golmaal to know What exactly is ‘ Comedy ‘

very nice simple comedy movie a must watch!!!!

I have rewatched it many times still enjoy the movie

Can't find words to describe anything about this movie and a request to Google, pls use MOON instead of star for rating 🙂

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