Devdas movie watch 4K

 Ishhhh!!! What to speak about such a great Bollywood experience?? Just spellbound and speechless.... I am sure this is one of the so many best Bollywood films! So I am nowhere close enough to write the review of such a beautifully retold tale.....Anyways, here is my take.

Devdas is undoubtedly one of the best romances of Hindi Cinema. Beautifully retold, dramatically crafted, incredibly performed by Shah Rukh and impeccably directed by the very whole Sanjay Leela Bhansali.... Ishh!! What more could you ask for?? What is so special about our Bhansali's film is that he depicts emotions in such a dramatic way that you don't ever feel like turning your face away from the screen. Right from the very first frame, Bhansali makes sure you are glued to the screen. A mother rejoicing her son's homecoming-Ish! Such an incredible way of starting a film. And, if you are wondering why I am using this Ishhhhh so many times, you must watch the film.

The sets are extravagant. The costumes exactly set the pace and mood of the film. The screenplay is so tight that you will not feel the film to be long even at one moment! The music is just extraordinary. Shreya's honey soaked renditions provide a completely charmimg experience. The direction, of course, Sanjay deserves a hats-off! The writing brings all that Shayari alive which are the dire need of such a dramatic film and perfectly jels with the direction and screenplay. The choreography is top-notch and steals your heart away. But, above all this, it is cinematography that takes the cake away!

Performances- Shah Rukh Khan delivers one of his finest performances. Aishwarya performs just about okay and excels in some portions. She looks a bit artificial which is not the right thing one looks out for. She is pretty. But the makeup could have been more original. The last sequence of the film shows one her acting prowess. Madhuri just excels as Chandramukhi and perfectly sets in her role. Her kathak learning helps her role and she outperforms Aishwarya in most of the sequences.

Ish! If you have not watched the film yet, watch it right away. You will experience one of the best films of Hindi Cinema. Hats off Bhansali! Thanks for bringing out a masterpiece yet again!!

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