Swades movies 720p

I saw it for the first time in Aug 2021, because I was born in 2001 but after sawing this I want to say it is still a masterpiece after 17 years and it is undoubtedly one of my favourite movies.


Ashutosh sir never miss a chance to give us the best of movies. All the actors have done a great job in it. Be it Mohan Bhargav (my favourite character superbly performed) or Geeta (beautiful and simple girl) or Kaveri Amma. The story beautifully conveys the messages leaving you speechless with emotions and tears.

There are several instances where you can feel the powerful acting. One of my favourites is when Mohan visits Haridasji and while coming back seeing a small boy selling water in kulhad who decides to buy a glass from him despite being an NRI. Another favourite one is while everyone sitting at school location on Dussehra on being asked about the conditions in the U.S. how meticulously Mohan explains that one can't judge the country based on varied culture and traditions. After all, it is well identifying rural areas scenario of that period no cinematic addition feels like purity.

 It’s my experience well I am a young guy with moderate experience throughout life. Xoxo!!
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Patriotic films are a force of nature. Spread across genres are films like the Manoj Kumar and Dilip Kumar social commentary classic Kranti to the JP Dutta war epic Border and to the recent Meghna Gulzar spy thriller Raazi. These films are so popular that industries across languages religiously churn them out every year (two films of the genre have released this past week). It's also fitting because India is a vast country with a rich history that stories from it (valour of its people and in essence the country itself) lend themselves very well to the medium. My favourite film of the genre is the Swades: We, The People.

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